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  • Drastic Plastic

How to Reduce your Use

Updated: Jan 7, 2019

This is a really simple thing to do and I’m sure this isn’t the first time you have been told to use a reusable water bottle but some people still don’t do it. Some of the reusable water bottles aren’t the prettiest so if that’s your concern then there are loads of really cute ones you can get around Christmas. If you want to be especially environmental friendly you could get a glass or metal water bottle. If you're out in town and you’re thirsty instead of buying a bottle of water you can go into one of the shops that are working with Refill Ireland and ask them to fill up your bottle and they will do it for free. Refill Ireland have a map on their website of all the places you can fill your water bottle for free.

Another single-use plastic to boycott is plastic straws. Modern straws weren’t around 200 years ago and they had no trouble drinking. They aren’t necessary for the average person. I know that some people use them when having sweet drinks and fizzy drinks so that the sugar doesn’t decay your teeth. If that’s a concern then use a reusable straw. You can get glass straws or even retractable metal straws that come in little boxes and include cleaners. In the end, fizzy drinks still have the same health penalty on the rest of your body whether you use a straw or not.

Bring your own container for take-away food or for when you buy food in the canteen or shop in your school or workplace. Many places will be happy to fill it up for you and some will even give you a discount. The same goes for bringing your own travel mugs or keep cups instead of using takeaway coffee cups. I know a lot of the time the issue can be not having enough space to carry around a coffee cup and lunch box, but to combat that you can use collapsible cups and boxes.

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